and Pamela Wilson
are born again Christians who minister the Gospel weekly at metro Atlanta
nursing homes. They started their ministry work by serving on the prayer
line at WATC-TV 57 and were later ordained by a ministry coalition that
covers the southeast. Terence Wilson is an awarding winning sales
professional in the home services industry, who has received top national
sales awards for 15 consecutive years. He has previous
experience with several Fortune 500 Companies. He avidly studies the Old
and New Testaments and has a gift for reaching unchurched and isolated
people. Pamela Wilson is a public relations executive, former
journalist, and author who has worked for the US government, Georgia
Department of Transportation, and Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta
International Airport. She reads the Bible daily and is an avid evangelist
who las let many people to Christ.
The Wilsons reside in Snellville, GA.

Statement of Beliefs:
believe God is a Trinity manifested in three persons: The Father, The
Son, and The Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost).
believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His
sinless life, His miracles,
His atoning death on the cross, His bodily resurrection, and His
ascension to the right hand of God.
believe in the divine inspiration and inerrancy of the Holy Bible
in totality, both
the Old Testament and the New Testament.
believe in the actuality of heaven as a glorious spirit-realm location,
because we know heaven is real, we can have hope for our future and hope
for our present lives.
We believe in living a life
of holiness. We believe that the Holy Spirit helps us in our daily
endeavor toward
holiness, and that God is pleased when we renounce sin and press forward.
We believe in salvation of humankind solely by personal
faith in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We encourage baptism, but we emphasize that baptism is not mandatory for
salvation, nor does
baptism alone assure salvation. Only a heartfelt and sincere belief in
Jesus Christ assures salvation.
We believe in Jesus Christ’s imminent rapture to gather
believers, His final judgement and His future return
with His church in power and glory.
References: John 1:1, John 10:30, John 14:26, 2 Corin. 13:14, 2 Timothy
3:16, Phil. 3:20-21, Acts 1:1-14, Luke 24:50-53,
Mark 16:16, Romans 3:23, Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23, Luke 1:34-35,
1Thes.4:16-18, Romans 10:9-10, Rev. 19:16-31
More Detailed Beliefs Document