1. What did Solomon ask for instead of wealth? 2.
What is the 3rd book of the New Testament?
3. What is the fourth book of the Old Testament?
4. Let he who is w/o sin among you ___________.
5. What four New Testament books give similar accounts
of Jesus' life?
6. What kind seed was used to describe the minimum
amount of faith required
7. What disciple wouldn't believe the resurrection
until he touched Jesus' wounds?
8. In the parable of the unmerciful servant Jesus was
teaching what attribute?
9. These three Hebrew children got thrown into a fiery
10. This prophet departed in a chariot of fire
11. Who tried to run away from God's calling and got
swallowed by a big fish?
12. When His father was about to sacrifice him, God
saved his life
13. Whose name means Father of Many Nations
14. The wisest and richest king
15. You're saved by this and not by works
16. This body part is called the pen on a ready writer
17. You should guard this with all diligence because out of it flows the wellspring of
18. After being sold into slavery, he became the second most powerful man in Egypt
19. It is the substance of things hoped for and the
evidence of things not seen
20. This is something you should not do with
21. These people will rise first at the rapture
22. What instrument will you hear at the rapture
23. He is described as Comforter and Helper
24. He was an early Christian who was stoned to death
for confessing Christ
25. This persecuter of Christians met Jesus on the road
to Damascus
26. Two sisters who often entertained Jesus in their
27. The man at whose death Jesus wept
28. You should be dressed in this to withstand the
devil's wicked schemes
29. Because of her beauty, she convinced the king to
release her people
30. Whover speaks this way, talks to God and not to man
31. The animal who spoke a warning to its rider
32. Who said "If I could just touch the hem of His
garment, I will be whole".
33. The act of returning 10 percent of one's income
back to God.
34. How many books in the Bible
35. Name three versions of the Bible
36. Who became a mother at age 100
37. If you knew someone who would be left behind at the
rapture, what would you warn them not to accept from the new government leader?
38. In Matthew 25:1 who do the five foolish version
represent in our time?
39. Where will Satan be during the 1000 years of peace
40. In Revelation, how many seals are on the Lambs scroll?
41. After the rapture, there will be a feast. What's
the occasion?
41a. Who will rule the earth during the tribulation period
42. Who will rule the earth during the 1000 years of
42a What color are the four horses of Armageddon?
42b What middle eastern city will be devinely recreated
after the rapture?
43. What disciple used to be a tax collector?
44. What disciple denied Jesus after His arrest?
45. How did John the Baptist die?
46. What is The Great Commission?
47. Name something Jesus said while hanging on the
48. What did the possessed man among the tombs call
himself? And why?
49. According to Romans 10:8, what are two steps to
being saved?
50. What is the role of Jerusalem at the second coming
of Christ
51. What is the difference between the rapture and the
second coming?
52. When Jesus comes back to earth, what will happen to
the mount of Olives when Jesus sets his foot upon it?
53. What current activities signal the rebuilding of
the temple in Jerusalem?
54. Who are the 144,000 mentioned in Revelation?
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